Thursday, 11 August 2011

Iain Chatterton the gutless moron?

Well after i dared challenge annie bullah's dumb ass views on the london riots, which if you didn't know not only did she condone them but admitted to finding it funny that these brainless idiots were ruining not only peoples properties but their livelihoods. Shes a dumb cunt and i told her what i thought my opinion is not swayed because she has a pair of tits! Just because you wank over her fatboy doesn't mean you have to agree with everything these girls say i think they might have a little more respect for you if you grew a spine and some balls and actually voiced your true opinion not just agree with her to kiss her ass you retard! Anyone that agree's with her views is a total and utter moron that needs to be put down for their own good.

If you have something to say to me i am not that hard to find tweet me or even better lets have a chat in the chatbox but we both know you and merlin wizardhat both being retards haven't got the balls to that. You would much rather hide behind your facebook accounts and talk about little old me i feel sad that you have nothing better in your lives to do and iain who is on holiday (yeah right) in mirnorca does nothing but spend his time pretending to be neil lane or talking about me on his facebook

Thankfully he's such a dumb fuck he forgot he was supposed to be "away" on holiday and tweeted this which he later removed when he realised he was meant to be pretending to be neil.

Sorry melv but you really shouldn't think you can slag your bum buddy iain off and i wasn't going to cap it i cap everything dude and i am everywhere

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