Personally i love this movie. So it goes a little bit like this Ami is a typical girl. She's bright, friendly, popular shes left to care for her younger brother after her father kills himself after being falsely accused of murder. It turns out Ami's brother has racked up a debt to the ninja-yakuza. Ami's brother can't pay, all hell breaks out while trying to avenge her brother, Ami is captured by the yakuza. They torture her and hack her arm right off. But she escapes ( big mistake) she is taken in by the owners of a machine shop who build her a makeshift machine gun arm. Then its revenge time like only japanese cinema can do.
Its sick.gory,bloody and insanely awesome at the same time. A great demented piece of Japanese Revengeploitaton. Japanese school girl going around killing people in more horrific ways whats not to like? Some scenes really do have to be seen to be believed
And the introduction to the drill bra!!
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